Letters and Comments - Mr. Michael Catrillo, Principal
Middle Smithfield Elementary School
5180 Milford Road
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Mr. Michael Catrillo, Principal
"Tradition, Pride, Excellence"
March 13, 2001
To Whom It May Concern:
Vitamin L has had a major positive impact on the school community at Middle Smithfield Elementary. I first discovered the group when they preformed at the NationalCharacter Plus Conference in St. Louis in the summer of 2000. As I watched I was immediately captivated by their energy, spirit and message. Songs such as "Walk a Mile" and "I Want To Say Thanks" had hundreds of adult audience members literally dancing in the aisle, singing and feeling great. I purchased all of their tapes and songbooks to bring back to my school.
Their music is a part of life at Middle Smithfield. The positive words and upbeat tunes greet my students each morning when they arrive. They are a part of our music classes and have been used at assemblies. We centered a Hero Day around the song "Here's to the Hero in All of Us". Students dressed as positive heroes and sang and danced to the song. I also created a video of students and teachers being heroic around school and set it to their music. At our annual parents Back to School Night we used the song "Walk a Mile" as a theme song for the evening, teaching the song to hundreds of parents. Vitamin L songs have also been used at Character Rallies and Board of Education meetings.
I have used Vitamin L music in presentations that I have done for CharacterPlus, the National Association of Elementary School Principals and local groups andschool districts. Teaching educators that they too "Have the Mighty Power" has been a great thrill for me. The songs are always joyfully received.
One of the highlights of the school year was bringing Vitamin L to my schoolfor three concerts. Working with parents and community members we were able to provide donated hotel rooms and meals. Our students spent weeks learning the words, making posters to welcome the group and props to display during the songs. My favorite props were the 25 sets of shoes on sticks for "Walk a Mile" and shampoo, hair dryers and brushes for "Beauty Shop". The concerts were fantastic and exciting. It was a day filled with laughter, smiles, autographs, and hugs. Even though a major snowstorm hit the area, over 100 parents and students returned for an evening concert.