Letters and Comments - James R. Orcutt, D.D.S.
June 10, 1993
Dear Jan and Janice,
Few words can express the rave reviews of Vitamin L's performance before the 125th Semi-Annual Meeting of the Dental Society of the State of New York on Saturday, June 5, 1993, but wonderful, terrific, outstanding, fantastic, superb, marvelous, fabulous, spectacular, truly excellent, and uplifting were repeated over and over, by everyone in attendance. You managed to dispel a rumor, that if certain people smiled, their faces would crack (...when last seen, they were still smiling and no facial cracks.) I have to admit that that alone is quite an accomplishment.
What an image: Kids in native costume... bright T-shirts and bluejeans... who happen to be multi-racial, happy, talented, singing, performing, having fun, and delivering messages that do nothing but better everyone... THANKS! Your wonderful songs and group are rays of sunshine in an often dark and gloomy world.
On behalf of the Dental Society of the State of New York, thank you for helping make our meeting so successful and wonderful.
James R. Orcutt, D.D.S.
President, The Dental Society of the
State of New York